General Section
Overview When deploying patches via relays, many of the patches fail to be implemented, and the following error messages appear in the user interface if the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is co...
Overview Scan results show that multiple version numbers missing updates for the same software. Example: JAVA6033, JAVA6031, and JAVA6020 all show as missing when only JAVA6033 should be shown since i...
Overview A scheduled report fails to generate and an error message similar to the following is displayed in the lanss_v101_reporting.csv logs. 2011-11-14,09:42:44,242,1,#00000880,#00000d6c,error ,Repo...
Overview The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is displayed, and the installation does push through when you install the EndPointSecurity 2012 (build 20120104) agent in a server with Symantec antivirus inst...
Overview When you run a full audit report, LanGuard displays the following message: Error when trying to populate the datasource A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishin...
Overview When scanning a non-English Operating System, the LanGuard Dashboard displays the Remote TOD (Time Of Day) value in the wrong format. The month and day values are swapped. You will notice thi...
Overview In certain PCIe T1/E1 TR1034 boards, the Dell PowerEdge T110x driver will be recognized, but the driver does not pass data to the fax board and cannot load the firmware. Other types of boards...
Overview EventsManager cannot collect hardware events. When collecting hardware events on Windows 2008 machines, the following error message appears under the Operational History: Error opening event ...
Overview Report generation fails with the following errors logged in the processoutputviewer*.csv file: Query execution failed with error code -1. The dlib*.csv log file also shows different errors si...
Overview Processing rules cannot be moved from one folder to another using the drag and drop function. When you click on a rule and drag it to another folder, the cursor changes as to how it would dur...