General Section
ExOS 7.4.10 Release Notes Release Date: April 1, 2019 Software Update: Download the software update Ð v7.4.10 ExOS Size: 692,619,982 bytes MD5 Hash: c1e6c97725ada7e2a274c0cc464ecee3 Supported upgr...
Overview After a subscription renewal or purchase of additional users for an existing license, Kerio License may still show the old information. The number of users displayed in the Dashboard on the A...
Initial Release July 2019 Software-defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) refers to the concept of combining different WAN interfaces to create a unified WAN. SD-WAN gives more flexibility and reliability...
Note: You must have admin access to the server where GFI Directory is installed to migrate. For migrating a GFI Directory installation, use the steps for moving directory data. If you can no longer ...
This article provides information on how to request a trial license key for GFI, Kerio, and Exinda products for a new customer. Note: A previously fully licensed installation will not permit the use o...
ExOS 7.4.12 Release Notes Release Date: December 18, 2019 Software Update: Download the software update ExOS v7.4.12 MD5 Hash: 9d93c3172c6400600c4a74e2e46e4988 Size: 692960646 bytes Supported upgrad...
Overview Not For Resale (NFR) subscriptions are special subscriptions intended for training, educational or testing purposes. This article aims to provide a basic understanding of the GFI Unlimited NF...
Overview GFI stops support and maintenance of previous versions of software products 12 months after the latest major release. It is highly recommended to upgrade your GFI product to the latest versio...
Introduction Getting Started When you purchase our services and products, you automatically agree to follow the guidelines outlined in this guide. If you decide to keep using the service beyond the in...
Are there changes in how to contact Support? Tickets: No. You will continue to use the same URL to submit support requests. Behind the scenes, your request will be routed to our new ticketing system, ...