WebMonitor Section
Overview When a user attempts to browse to an HTTPS site that has been blocked, instead of receiving the GFI WebMonitor's blocking page or message that states 'Blocked: You have been blocked from down...
Versions / Builds AffectedAll versions - Standalone Proxy StatusOpen Problem SummaryUpdates for VIPRE are failing with error: Failed to update Engine VIPRE: System.FormatException: Die Eingabezeichenf...
Overview This article addresses an issue where the WebGrade, anti-virus, and anti-phishing updates fail. Root Cause GFI WebMonitor is hardcoded to use port for these connections. If Mic...
Versions / Builds Affected2015 SR2 StatusResolved TT / JIRAID2604 How to IdentifyIn all the WebInsight dashboard when the average is calculated it is taking into consideration also the current day. It...
Overview This article addresses an issue where the update of the WebGrade database fails, and the below error message is displayed in the UI (user interface): WebGrade Database last updated on: Failed...
Overview This article explains the reason why the Surf Time is not displayed for both Categories and Websites, or if shown, it is listed as '0 min.' This behavior is by design, and it was implemented ...
Overview This article addresses an issue where GFI WebMonitor's Blocking and Downloading pages are displayed with missing images and style. This issue may also manifest when access to f...
Overview After installing MailEssentials or MailSecurity on a WebMonitor machine, the WebMonitor MSMQ queues are not processed anymore. The WebMonitor reporting stops working and after a while, the ma...
Overview This article addresses an issue where GFI WebMonitor does not control HTTPS traffic adequately. Note: GFI WebMonitor does control the initial access of the HTTP site through the Always Blocke...
Versions / Builds AffectedWebMonitor 2012 build 20120618 / 20120831 StatusResolved Problem SummaryWebMonitor reports TLD identifiers like co.nz and com.au as actual domains, whereas these are just TLD...