FaxMaker Section
Overview This article describes the GFI FaxMaker support for the HP Digital Sender (HPDS). Information GFI FaxMaker supports HPDS. The following models have been successfully tested with recent vers...
Answer GFI FAXmaker supports sending faxes from Linux and UNIX clients. GFI FAXmaker relies on standards, such as PDF and SMTP. Because of this, Linux desktops and servers can easily send and receive ...
GFI FaxMaker does not support inbound routing for SMS service providers, although SMS service providers may be able to receive inbound SMS. Currently, inbound SMS routing works only for compatible G...
AnswerMicrosoft Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 are supported by GFI FaxMaker 2013 or later. Note Although GFI FaxMaker 2013 supports Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, it has to be considered that th...
Answer GFI FaxMaker supports HP Digital Senders (HPDS). However, all outbound faxes may fail with a call failed 46, if CLIP is required by the local PABX. GFI FaxMaker does not support the authenticat...
AnswerGFI FaxMaker allows the you to create licensed users from multiple domains, as long the domains belongs to the same forest and are in parent-child relationship. Please contact our sales departme...
AnswerThis is not currently supported. The message body of an outbound email is encrypted, if the email itself is sent with a digital signature. The GFI FaxMaker Message Transfer Agent will fail to p...
The NetPrintQueue2Fax printer does not support printing documents in Landscape format. Such documents need to be sent with other fax methods. Faxes can only be sent in portrait format when using the...
Answer Certain US Robotics modems are supported by GFI FaxMaker. The supported US Robotics modems can be found here....
AnswerMicrosoft Windows 8 and 8.1 are supported by the GFI FaxMaker client....